Bring On the Broccoli

They may be chock-full of nutrients, but exotic vegetables like celeriac and Jerusalem artichokes don't always appeal to more traditional pallets. And that's fine, according to Dr. Oz, who says broccoli is his all-time favorite produce.

"Broccoli is the best produce option because it cleanses the liver and helps to fight cancer," he says. To reap the most rewards, the doctor suggests cleaning and slicing cruciferous veggies (like broccoli) five to 10 minutes before cooking, and then steaming or microwaving them (instead of boiling) to help retain the most cancer-fighting compounds.

Heal Faster

Don't exercise when you're sick—unless your symptoms are above the neck. And even then you might do better taking a day off. "Your body will use its resources to heal itself, not build muscle and endurance," says Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.

Keep Your Stats, See Amazing Results

Test yourself often. Every 4 weeks, measure a variable—waist size, body fat, bench press—that equates to your end goal. "It'll show you the tangible results of your training," says Craig Ballantyne, C.S.C.S., a trainer in Canada. And that translates into motivation.

Test the Bench

Press your thumb into the bench before lifting. "If you can feel the wood, find another bench," says Ken Kinakin, a chiropractor in Canada and founder of the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists. Hard benches can cause T4 syndrome—a misalignment of your thoracic spine that affects the nerve function of your arm, weakening it.

Exercise in Order

Use dumbbells, barbells, and machines—in that order. "The smaller, stabilizer muscles you use with dumbbells fatigue before your larger muscle groups," says Charles Staley, a strength coach in Las Vegas.  So progress to machines, which require less help from your smaller muscles, as you grow tired.

Cut Out the White Stuff

The easiest way to lose weight and improve your health? Ditch the white stuff! Most white foods (bread, rice, pasta, sugar, flour) are primarily made up of refined carbs and empty calories, so cutting them out of your diet is one of the quickest ways to shed pounds and improve your well-being, Dr. Oz says.

There are a few exceptions to the rule, including egg whites, cauliflower, and fish, he says. Those are the only white foods you should have on hand.

Cut Out the White Stuff

The easiest way to lose weight and improve your health? Ditch the white stuff! Most white foods (bread, rice, pasta, sugar, flour) are primarily made up of refined carbs and empty calories, so cutting them out of your diet is one of the quickest ways to shed pounds and improve your well-being, Dr. Oz says.

There are a few exceptions to the rule, including egg whites, cauliflower, and fish, he says. Those are the only white foods you should have on hand.

Stop fuming

Don’t smoke and if you smoke already, do everything in your power to quit. Don’t buy into that my-granny-smoked-and-lived-to-be-90 crud – not even the tobacco giants believe it. Apart from the well-known risks of heart disease and cancer, orthopaedic surgeons have found that smoking accelerates bone density loss and constricts blood flow. So you could live to be a 90-year-old amputee who smells of stale tobacco smoke

Healthy Ways to Avoid Temptation and Stick to Your Health Goals

We know it. You know it. Eating healthfully is a state of mind as much as it is a journey. Each day, you make good-for-you decisions and take small steps toward your goals. Little by little, you create healthy habits that stick.

But temptation is everywhere: in your coworker’s candy bowl, on that restaurant menu and in your grocery store aisles (yes, even ours!). Unfortunately, those delicious enticements aren’t going anywhere, so how can you fortify yourself against them and keep on track? Glad you asked.

We polled our resident experts, the in-store Healthy Eating Specialists, for their best tips for resisting temptation and sticking to your goals. Their whole job is helping customers choose the best foods, recipes and meal plans for their particular diet and health objectives. (Many of our stores feature Healthy Eating Specialists. Check your store’s webpage to see if there’s one near you.) Here’s their pro advice:

Eat First

Nearly all of our Healthy Eating Specialists agree: It’s so much harder to make good decisions when you’re hungry, so make sure you’re not famished before you head to the store, and yes, even a restaurant. Ward off hunger with a healthy snack, like few pieces of fresh fruit or vegetables and an ounce of nuts.

“Eat before you go,” says Curtis Whitwam, “Letting yourself get to the point of being “hangry” (hungry + angry), which we all know too well, can set you up for a trip to donut land. Stay full on the good stuff to stay on track.” In addition, he says, “Eat regular, consistently healthy meals that you love, so that restaurant food doesn't impress you anymore. Learn to cook and you'll know that you can make better food at home where you control the quality.”

Plan Ahead

Make like a Boy Scout and always be prepared. Start your week by making a healthy meal plan.

Trick Your Triggers

Everyone has their version of kryptonite, those usually bad-for-you foods that render you helpless (cookies, ahem). It makes sense to avoid those temptations and keep them out of the house, but "Lindsey Kane" suggests you do one better: Learn how to make healthier alternatives of what you love to counteract your triggers.

For example, she says, “if ice cream is your downfall, learn how to make the equally pleasing "Banana Nice Cream".  If cookies are the culprit, become substitute-savvy, replacing plant-based whole food ingredients in place of butter, eggs and refined sugar (like these Carrot-Walnut Cookies or these Pumpkin Pecan Cookies).  If nighttime snacking is your flaw, paint your nails or drink tea instead to distract yourself.”

Create a Framework for Success

Claire Smith from the Kitsilano store in Vancouver, British Columbia, suggests keeping a food journal. “Write down how certain foods make you feel.  Sometimes the act of writing down a poor food choice can help you to make better choices in the future.” 

Give In – In Moderation

It’s okay to give in every once in a while, so long as you’re smart about it. “I know it sounds cliché,” says Kristina Voutas“but everything in moderation. For six days a week I adhere to a fairly disciplined food regimen but during that time if cravings come up I write down what I’m craving. On the seventh day I allow myself to have a couple of treats.”

And Lois Dorotiak from the Winter Park store follows “the 90/10 rule: Ninety percent of the time, eat for fuel and ten percent is strictly for fun!”

Keep It Up!

Finally, as Audrey Porter from the Cobb Harry’s store in Marietta, Georgia, advises, “Don’t let one slip up throw your whole day off! If you end up eating food that’s not very healthy, don’t get caught up in thoughts that the day is ruined and then eat whatever you want. You can totally turn it around!”

Looking for more practical tips for starting a healthy eating path? Check out our Healthy Eating and fitness hub for tips on, health Fitness techniques and much more!

Protect Your Brain

Everyone loses brain volume as they age, but the stress hormone cortisol speeds the decline, say McGill University researchers. Help your mind unwind with a houseplant: Washington State University research shows that simply being in the presence of plants can stem stress. Buy a spider plant or a snake plant; both are difficult to neglect to death.

Avoid Temptations

The easiest way to avoid the temptations of less-than-healthy foods is just to keep the house free of temptations, period. You’ll be surprised how true, “out of sight, out of mind” really is. Instead, keep the pantry stocked with fruits, veggies and whole grain snacks.

 Reducing Stress:

Health is about so much more than just eating well! You also need to take care of other things in your life that nourish you.

1. Practice deep conscious breathing throughout the day. You’ll be amazed at the immediate calming effect it has on your body. The “one-breath” meditation is a powerful, straightforward relaxation technique that can be practiced anytime, anywhere from your office to the subway!

Try it whenever you feel fatigued or out of whack: sit in a comfortable chair, straighten your back, relax your shoulders and take a deep breath. Let the air open your chest, and imagine that it is revitalizing every cell in your body. Hold your breath for a count of 3, then exhale releasing every bit of tension. Repeat 8 times for a quick pick-me-up!

2. We lead very sedentary lives today, so it’s important to exercise and be as active as you can throughout your day. Add movement in your day by taking the stairs instead of the lift; for those of you who work on the 35th floor, this may not be a good idea. However, you can take the lift to the 30th floor and walk from there! In the office, walk over to see your colleagues instead of using the phone… every step counts! Outside of work experiment with an exercise style that works for you: yoga, Pilates, martial arts, walking, running, cycling, rollerblading, swimming, dancing or competitive sports... anything that will get you moving, and that’s fun! One invaluable piece of advice that I can give you regarding exercise is that you need to determine if you are a morning person or a night person. I am a morning person, so I always exercise in the morning. I know that if I leave it to the evening, my energy will be too low, and I will never do it!

3. Take a 30-minute appointment with yourself every day, and treat yourself to regular quiet time. Turn your phone off, let everyone know that you don’t want to be disturbed, listen to music, study, pray, meditate… recharge yourself… whatever works, so you can relax!

4. Cultivate gratitude: First thing in the morning and right before going to bed at night, think of 3 things you're grateful for in your life.

5. Foster a sense of humor; hum or sing a happy song every day and smile!

6. Keep your home in good order: You are your home!

7. Finally, do your best to be on good terms with people, especially your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends and co-workers. Good relationships are vital for our well-being!

Quick Tips for a Healthy Body

1. Eat a small handful of raw seeds and/or nuts every day. If you’re going to buy anything from the supermarket to snack on, let it be raw seeds and nuts… do not go for the chips and cookies!

2. Eat fresh fruit two times a day. Vary the color of the fruits: think red, green and orange for example, and alternate between grapes/berries, apples/pears and oranges/mandarins.

3. Many of you eat out most of the time, so it’s important that you order right. As a rule of thumb, always fill half your plate with vegetables, and a quarter each of protein and good carbs. Make sure you choose vegetables in a variety of different colors (green, red, orange, yellow…).

4. Choose good sources of protein, and try to include oily fish such as salmon and tuna two times a week. Avoid red meat as much as possible; keep it to once a week (or less!), and choose very lean cuts.

5. Chew your food well, until it becomes soft and almost liquid. This will help enormously with your digestion, and you will eat less!

6. Be religious about your water intake! It’s your most vital nutrient, so make sure you consume 6-8 glasses of water a day. Cut your coffee and soda intake, and replace it with tea and vegetable juices. At a business lunch, for example, you can order a Virgin Bloody Mary instead of a diet Coke, and tea instead of a coffee.

Overcome Injuries, Build Big Arms

If you hurt your right arm, don't stop exercising your left arm. Researchers at the University of Oklahoma found that people who trained only one arm for 2 weeks managed to increase arm strength in their non exercising arm up to 10 percent. The reason: Exercising one arm stimulates the muscle nerve fibers in the opposite arm.

Help Your Forehand

To build forearm strength for tennis and racquetball, crumple newspaper: Lay a newspaper sheet on a flat surface. Start at one corner and crumple it into a ball with your dominant hand for 30 seconds. Repeat with your other hand.

Burn fat during intervals 

To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.

Do your weights workout first 

Experts say weight training should be done first, because it's a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you're fresh and you have the energy you need to work it. 

Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you're weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.

During your workout drinking too much water can also be dangerous 

Don’t have soft drinks or energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay properly hydrated by drinking enough water during your workout (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous). 

Load up on vitamin C.

We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!



The first bodybuilding tip that will make the single biggest difference on your rate of muscle gain is whether you are able to consecutively add more weight to the bar.

It's not going to matter how many fancy principles you use, if you aren't increasing the sheer amount you are lifting over a few months of time, you aren't building muscle as quickly as you should be.

The number one priority of any muscle gaining bodybuilding workout program should be lifting heavier and heavier weights.

When you get 'stuck' and aren't able to bump the weight up higher, that's when you start tinkering with other strategies such as drop sets, supersets, etc., as a means to help increase the body's potential, so that in a few more weeks, you can bump it up to the next weight level.

All those fancy protocols will definitely have an advantage down the road once you've attained a level of musculature you're satisfied with, but until that point, you should use them intermittently when you're unable to lift heavier.


The second bodybuilding tip to pay attention to is the rule on failure. Some people believe that lifting to failure each and every single set is the best way to build muscle. They think that in order to get a muscle to grow, you have to fully exhaust it.

While it is true that you have to push the muscles past their comfort level in order to see progress, you can run into a number of problems when you're lifting to failure each and every set.

The first major issue is central nervous system fatigue. Workout programs designed to go to failure each and every time will be very draining on the CNS.

After a few weeks of such a program, it's highly likely that you'll find the CNS is so exhausted that you can't even lift the weight you used to for the required number of reps little own increase it upwards.

The second problem with going to failure is that if you do this on the first exercise out in the workout, you're not going to have much for a second, third, and fourth exercise after that.

Since you should be doing at least a couple of different exercises in each workout you do, this becomes very difficult to accomplish.

Instead, aim to go one to two reps short of failure. This will still get you pushing your body hard and working at the intensity level needed to build muscle, but it won't completely destroy you so that you have to end that workout prematurely and take a day or two off just to recoup.


Bodybuilding tip number three is to focus on compound exercises. You only have a limited amount of time you can spend in the gym each day due to both time and recovery restraints so if you waste this time on exercises that only work one or two smaller muscle groups, you aren't exactly maximizing your potential.

Instead follow the rule that for 80% of your workout you'll only perform exercises that work at least two muscle groups.

The shoulder press, for example, will work the shoulders and the triceps. The squat will work the quads and the hamstrings. The bench press will work the shoulders, chest, and the triceps (even the biceps to a very small degree).

On the other hand, the barbell curl will only work the biceps, triceps pushdowns will only work the triceps, and leg curls will only work the hamstrings.

All of those exercises aren't really giving you the best results-to-energy invested trade-off, so it's best you keep them limited.

What's more is that compound lifts you'll typically be able to lift more weight with, and since you read the first tip in this article, you know that's paramount to success.


The fourth tip to follow with your bodybuilding workout program is to make sure you're fueling your body properly both before and after the workout.
Failing to get in the amino acids your body will use to synthesize new muscle mass with or the carbohydrates that provide the energy to formulate the new muscle tissue is a critical error that will garner a lack of results.

If there is one time you can't be uncertain about your nutrition, it's at these two points in the day.

Throughout the rest of the day you can be a bit more flexible in terms of meal times and composition provided you're still meeting your calorie and macronutrient needs, but before and after the workout things need to be 100% 'on'.


Fifth is the plateau busting bodybuilding tip. If you've ever reached a point with your workouts where it feels as though you are just not gaining any more muscle, this is a sure sign you're in a plateau.

Plateaus do tend to impact just about everyone at some point or another unless you are being very careful to avoid it.

What exactly is a plateau? A plateau can be defined as any point in time where you go more than two weeks without any type of progress. To you, the dedicated lifter, it spells wasted gym effort and time.

In order to prevent this plateau from occurring, your job is to make sure something in your program is always changing. This could be the order of which you perform the exercises, the amount of rest you take in between sets, or even the type of exercises you are performing.

If you can't bump up the weight in a successive session, it's time to change something else. If you do that, you will be sure you get the results you're looking for.


Finally, to end off our bodybuilding tips, always remember to rest. Far too many people make the mistake of training too hard, too often, without allowing time for recovery.

If you don't allow the body to rest before you go back in the gym, instead of getting stronger, you're just breaking it down further and getting weaker.

Ideally you should take one day off between each weight lifting workout, but if you prefer to do an upper/lower split that has you working out at a greater frequency, then just be sure you have at least two full days off a week.

Also, for the cardio-minded, this does not mean go and do forty-five minutes of intense cardio activity. This means rest - active rest if you must (as in a light walk, jog, or swim).

If you try to push your body hard in other activities on your designated days off, it's going to impact progress.

Are Eggs Bad For Cholesterol |
Cholesterol In Eggs Good Or Bad

If you love eating eggs, at some point of time or other a thought must have crossed your mind – Are eggs bad for cholesterol? In today’s lifestyle one often battles with the question, whether cholesterol in eggs good or bad? Though eggs come most handy and convenient breakfast diet packed with power of protein and nutrients, still we have a concern – are eggs bad for cholesterol. Well, we will try to find answers to this concern here.

Though eggs are high in cholesterol which can contribute to high blood cholesterol levels, this varies from person to person. Eating too many eggs in a day may increase your cholesterol, but if you eat moderately, eating upto four eggs in a week has not been found to increase your cholesterol levels.

What Is The Recommended Number Of Eggs That You Can Eat:

You can eat eggs without guilt, just keep the daily cholesterol limits under check when you are including eggs in your diet.

For a healthy individual, the recommended daily limit of dietary cholesterol is under 300 mg.

For an individual with diabetes, cardiovascular diease or high low density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol) level the recommended daily limit of dietary cholesterol is under 200 mg.

An egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol all of which is in the yolk, therefore on the day you eat egg you should limit your intake of other dietary cholesterol. If you love eating eggs, you can consider eating egg whites only which do not contain cholesterol.

Studies Show Eggs Increase Good Cholesterol Levels:

The new studies from the University of Connecticut found eating eggs actually increased good cholesterol (HDL) levels and reduced disease producing inflammation in the body which indicates cholesterol in eggs are good for health.

Researchers asked one group of participants on carbohydrate restricted diet to have three eggs per day while another group were asked to have equivalent amount of egg substitute. After 12 weeks the group which ate eggs experienced increase in HDL (Good Cholesterol) levels from 50 mg/dl to 59 mg/dl, doctors recommend HDL levels over 40 mg/dl in men. This group did not experience change in their LDL (Bad Cholesterol) levels.
According to Maria Luz Fernandez, Ph.D., nutrition professor at the University of Connecticut Lecithin, a substance found in the egg yolks, helps remove cholesterol from tissue and transports it to the liver, so it doesn’t build up in blood vessels.
Fernandez further says, in another study people on carbohydrate restricted diet with metabolic diseases who ate three eggs for 12 weeks experienced  decrease in inflammatory markers in the body indicating the decrease in the risk of heart diseases. An antioxidant caroteinoid called Lutein found in the yolk probably helped to reduce this inflammation.
Fernandez concludes that eating eggs do not cause heart diseases, infact they do the opposite.

Nutrients In Eggs:

Though eggs have cholesterol, they are also known to be an excellent source of nutrients and high quality proteins. Eggs are the natural source of vitamin D. Eggs also contain vitamins B6 and B12, folate, choline, and riboflavin, nutrients which are believed to prevent heart diseases.
According to a study by researchers in Canada, eggs are believed to contain antioxidants which help control inflammation thereby preventing heart diseases. Accoridng to scientists at the University of Alberta eggs have similar oxidant properties to that of an apple.

Effects Of Moving Exercises On Your Daily Life

Not only a 30-minute of moving exercises every day can improve your health, even if you have already been a patient of some disease like diabetes, cancer and heart disease, but it can also prevent the onset of various life-threatening conditions.By doing exercise, you can look thin,young and fit.

Following Are The Effects Of Moving Exercises On Our Health:

1. Helps In Weight Loss:

Moving exercise for at least 30 minutes a day can reduce your weight. If you have more time in your schedule, then you will try to do 1 hour of intensive exercise every second day. Do that one-hour exercise regularly and consistently.

2. Good For Your Heart:

Moving exercises reduces your blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and the relieving stress on your heart, improves heart muscle function, diminishes the chances of developing blood flow and blood clots and improves your insulin.

3. Prevents Osteoporosis:

According to experts, weight-bearing moving exercises like walking, weight-lifting and running will help you lower your odds of getting osteoporosis in your old age. Both the healthy calcium intake and exercise builds strong bones. You should start doing the moving exercises when you are young and make it a habit.

4. Lowers High Blood Pressure:

Moving exercises will reduce your blood pressure, no matter your race or gender, age and weight. It is equally good whether you walk, a few laps in the pool or a fast run because the result is same.By doing exercise a blood pressure person can reduce diastolic pressure by slightly more than 2.5 mm Hg and systolic (top number) pressure by nearly 4 mm Hg.

5. Excellent De-Stressor:

By doing exercise you can divert your daily stresses and can improve self-esteem.During exercise the core temperature increases to reduce favourable alterations in brain neurotransmitters and muscle tension. Secretion of endogenous opiates increases due to the improvement of mood. Hormonal changes can occur due to exercise.

6. Prevents Colds:

According to the research of Carolina University, people who exercised less were 23% more likely to get colds than those who exercised regularly. So exercise can also affect the colds. Exercise also increases the immune system few hours a day

7. Reduces Diabetic Complications:

In life style diseases like diabetes, exercise can help to lower your cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and reduce the insulin requirements.

Power Up Your Runs

Adding wall sits to the end of every run will strengthen your quads, hamstrings and glutes, improving your speed and endurance. Lean against a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart, then squat until your knees are bent at 45 degrees. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds; work up to doing 10 sets. Add a challenge by including heel raises: Lift your left heel, then the right, then lift both together twice.

Tone Up on the Treadmill

Save time at the gym with this 10-minute cardio/sculpt session: Hop on a treadmill holding a three- to five-pound dumbbell in each hand, and set the speed to a brisk walk. Do a one-minute set each of shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, side laterals, front laterals and standing triceps kickbacks one after another as you walk. I's an amazing upper-body challenge that also gets your heart pumping. Do this series two or three times each week. As you improve, work up to doing four-minute sets.

Go easy on yourself

Health and fitness needn’t be all or nothing. No-one can keep up their routine 100 percent of the time. Instead of feeling guilty, consider approaching it as if you’re doing a test. So, 80 percent would be a great result – if you can stay on track for 80 percent of the time, you’re doing really well. Then it’s just a matter of trying to improve.

Pump yourself up

Positive self-talk can boost your motivation. Look in the mirror and observe how strong your muscles are. Applaud yourself for getting fit. Recognize the goals you've met.

Make the world your gym

Do stretches in the grocery line. Do ballet moves while pumping gas. Take the stairs. Sitting in traffic? Squeeze your lower abs, then release. "You'll be amazed at how much you can develop your core strength while driving," Ramsay says.

Go social

Social media can boost your motivation and keep you on track. Announce your fitness goals on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. "You'll be surprised how many people help," Ramsay says. They'll rally behind you, offer tips, and steer you away from missing a workout.

Let the good times roll.

 Dial up the fun, because it helps you exercise longer and harder – and it puts the kibosh on dreading workouts. Crank up the music and dance like nobody's watching. Take a Zumba or pole-dancing class. Play tag with your kids.

HEALTHY EATING:  Nutritional Basics

Ask almost any personal trainer and they’ll tell you that regardless of your training goals, healthy eating is the backbone. Food is what fuels your body to reach your goals and without proper nutrition through quality foods, you’re likely to stall. As a result, if possible, eat organic foods and, above all else, maintain a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, complete proteins, and fats including such things as fish oils and flax seeds.

Maintain your body weight

It is good to maintain a healthy weight by doing regular exercise. Every day exercise will help you in reducing the heart problems, hypertension and makes you relax and comfort throughout the day.


Oysters help in delivering antioxidants mineral zinc to men. The mineral Zinc helps in body processes like producing DNA and also helps in repairing cells. It helps in protecting from cellular damage. The adequate zinc helps in increasing the sperm counts in the male reproductive system. Doctor advice to eat shellfish, beef, pork, legumes and etc.

Never skip breakfast

Everyday try to have breakfast rich in protein, crabs and etc., as this help you in giving much energy throughout the day and your execute your daily work in a right time.

Drink Water

It is great to drink water for at least 5 litres per day to keep our body cool and hydrated. Water is the essential element that must be taken in order to do our regular activities and other tasks in time. Water gives energy and power

Protect yourself from Sun's UV rays:

Protect your body from direct sunlight. The Ultra violet UV rays from the sun can cause serious problems on skin like rashes, dryness, burning of skin, skin cancer etc. Try to use Aloe Vera gel for overexposure. Use of sun glasses will help you cool and comfort.

High Intensity Cardio is a major key fact in fat loss

Don’t overdo Cardio, While High Intensity Cardio may be a solution for fat loss, going overboard with it'll solely kill your lean muscle. Bulking up is primarily regarding conserving calories and victimization them for the correct physical exercise. Limit your HIIT to 2-3 days per week and focus a lot of on strength coaching.

Lift only weights that are possible to you

Lift only as heavy as you can. Many persons will try to lift heavy weights when compared to their weight, thinking that this would work out in making you lean. But it is not so. Lift only as heavy as you can and gradually scale up your weights.

Say no to SMOKE

This is the most important Health tips in order to Lean Muscles. Smoking is really bad for your health. But if you can quit the smoking, then your life will be better. Here in this post, i am going to tell you some important points and benefits of quitting the smoking and how it can be lead to a healthy lifestyle. 

 Healthy fats don’t make you fat!

Dietary Fats don’t make you fat. Recent research has said that Fats have 9 calories per gram, but carbs and proteins have 5 calories per gram. Less calories per gram will help you in getting your muscles lean. Fats from rich source like avocado, whipped butter, eggs, nuts are a must if you want to put on size. Avoid eating saturated fats from junk foods, snacks, chips and eat.

 Eat Clean and Hygienic Food Which has Lots and Lots of Calories

Eating clean and Hygienic food every day will help every individual to maintain their body with good shape. The food you in take much contains protein, low-glycemic carbs, health dietary fats and etc. Try to have some organic foods regularly in order to sustain much energy which will always help you to make you feel bit relaxed and happier through out the day.

Have a 300-calorie breakfast

"I used to skip breakfast, but now I never go without. I always eat about 300 calories of a healthy mix of protein and whole grains. My go-to meal: a sandwich with natural peanut butter and apple butter. It keeps my hunger down so I snack less throughout the day. In a little over a year, I've shed 65 pounds." —Bo Hale, Tulsa

Be a mighty maintainer

The end is here! Three cheers for all your hard work. But that doesn't mean it's time to put on the brakes. To maintain your weight, you still have to make those smart choices at restaurants, work, and home. Look into getting a diet confidante, who you can chat with once a week about your eating highs and oh-no's. And stick to using that scale so you can be proactive if a few extra pounds creep back on. Don't let your exercise routine change, either, because even if you don't have any more pounds to lose, you'll still be working out your ticker. And we heart that!

Find healthy fast food

Have to work late tonight and need dinner—in a hurry? Not to worry. If you find fast food is your only option, pull up the restaurant's nutrition facts online before you go; you can make an informed decision ahead of time about what to order. "Nearly every quick-service restaurant has a relatively healthful option or two," says Newgent. We're thinking salads, chili, or grilled chicken. Some low-cal, healthy, on-the-run dishes.

Run chafe-free

There's nothing fun about chafing. You can get the rash (caused by moisture and constant friction) on your thighs, around your sports bra, and even under your arms, to name a few hot spots! To prevent the next occurrence, try rubbing on an anti-chafe stick. Moisture-wicking fabrics help, too, so if you have a few quick-dry shirts (Nike, Asics, and Under Armour all make 'em), save those for your long runs or tough workouts, when chafing is most likely to occur.

Slim up your snack

It's hard to avoid that 3 p.m. stomach rumble, when nothing can stand between you and the office vending machine. And while it's fine to eat something to hold you over until dinner (in fact, we encourage it!), some choices will help you keep on your weight-loss track—while others can surely derail you. So at the vending machine, instead of choosing that ever-so-tempting pack of Twizzlers, try a 100-calorie cookie pack or a Nature Valley granola bar. Better yet, bring a snack from home! We're fans of sliced veggies dipped in hummus. Delish!

Slather up!

There's no denying it: Getting the fresh air from exercising outdoors is great! But along with it, you also get the harmful UV rays. To keep yourself shielded while still having fun in the sun, opt for a sweat-proof screen with SPF 30 or higher (look out for types that say "water-resistant" or "waterproof" on the bottle, terms regulated by the FDA), a lip balm with SPF 15 or higher, a lightweight hat, and sports shades. Also consider trading in your white tee and instead going for a shirt with built-in UV protection (a rating of 30 UVP is necessary to be awarded the Skin Cancer Foundation's "Seal of Recommendation"; a white T-shirt has a rating of 10). And remember, the rays are at their brightest from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., so try to plan a before-or post-work sweat-session.

Ditch your working lunch

Munching on your lunch while at the computer could lead to mindless grazing, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. People who ate their midday meals while playing a computer game ended up eating more cookies 30 minutes later than those who hadn't been gaming. So carve out 20 minutes a day (we know, you've got a million things to do, but … ), and eat in your conference room (or outdoors!). Your whittled waistline with thank you.

Savor your carbs

When trying to slim and trim, you may be tempted to take drastic measures like cutting out your carbs. But before you go and add dinner rolls and chips to your "no" list, remember that yummy foods like brown rice, pumpernickel bread, and even potato chips contain Resistant Starch, a metabolism-boosting carb that keeps you full for longer. And that's great for maintaining a fit you because you won't have to eat as much to feel satiated. So go on, rip open that (single-serve) bag of Lay's!

Say goodbye to peer pressure

Even if you've been eating right on track, it may be tough to stay on track if your partner, coworkers, or friends don't share your healthy-eating habits. What to do? If your partner loves pizza, try ordering a pie that's heavy on the veggies and light on the cheese—then supplement it with a side salad. Or, if your friends are having a girls' night out, suggest a restaurant that's got healthy appetizer options, instead of the typical fare of onion rings and cheese dip. And at work, instead of Friday baked-goods day, suggest a Friday "make it healthy" day, and swap in baked pears with cinnamon or mini fruit-and-nut muffins for brownies and blondies.